Tuesday, April 30, 2013


SAE’S are one of the most important parts of an Ag teacher’s job description, and in order to meet or exceed SAE advisors have to know more about them and be able to help students understand the point of an SAE. This is a list of just a few categories and what they mean to me.  

Animal Systems in my opinion is the easiest SAE to get students involved in, because it normally deals with a livestock projects. I excelled in this as a high school student due to the fact I love animals, and love independent recognition. Raising a pen of commercial show steers for the Houston Livestock show. Taking a pen of show steers will teach them how to be responsible, how to take care of their investment, and how to keep detailed and adequate records of rate of gain and all expenses. Showing will also give students a chance to meet college professors as well as earn money to pay for college, which how I got my initial scholarship. The animal system SAE will help students get a better understanding of what production Agriculture really is, and help students learn not only what to feed, but how much to feed.     

Biotechnology is another type of SAE that would benefit the student the most. A student could do research on the affect of pesticides on native grasses. This experiment could be done in a controlled environment you break up a backyard in to small sections and use different pesticides on each set of plants and determine what it does to harm or hinder plant growth. Student could use a public forum to discuss his findings as well show off his research. This SAE would be pretty hard to make a profit though and could be both expensive and time consuming.   

Leadership and Business skills are also very important, because what students learn with this SAE will help them find a career after high school. this SAE will benefit every student you will have come through your program, the student who like to do events like public speaking will really like SAE’S that help them perfect their craft. The advisor over these students can teach professional speech as a class if he or she has taken 6 or more hours of speech in college.   

Environmental Service System is a very important SAE for students who love to be outside or outdoors. Students could use community improvement as their choice for this SAE; they could adopt a street and keep it clean and trash free or plant trees and clean up parks. This could also help my students get in to the entrepreneurship type jobs, for instance lawn service, or installing sprinklers. I like this type of SAE because it can help students get a sense of pride in their community.   

Food products and processing is a SAE that has a lot of possible places that a student can use no matter what area you live in. Students can intern at slaughter houses, or work at fast food places to get a better understanding of not only how much safety is involved food service, but how to deal with customers. This will also help students learn different laws and rules and regulation that deal with any type of food for people or animals. Students can also keep records on this SAE by pay checks in some cases.         

Natural Resource Management is one of my favorite SA, because I see it as giving back to nature. I could use this to find one of my students a volunteer job at a wildlife refuge, or a rehab center. All of the placement ideas I found would teach students to be responsible and give them a better appreciation of nature. Can also teach my students to better understand and respect wild animals.

Plant Systems are gaining in popularity these days, with many students living in suburban areas now. You grow vegetables to sell or if you live in a rural area you can cut and grow hay to sell. Students could also turn this SAE into an entrepreneurship or community service easily depending on what aspect they decide to choose to explore. This will help all students learn more about plants, and learn to deal with not only customers, but employers and help students find a job with plants.  

I would use the last SAE Power, structural, and Technical systems, for my students who like to do wood work type jobs. I would let my student’s build things like saddle racks, bird house, or dog houses and sell them on craigslist on other places, that you could sell stuff to. I feel that this would help my students make money, but I would also have to help my students and keep them safe from anyone who might be trying to harm them, wood skills and metal fabrication are valuable skills that help a student make money to pay for college or turn in to a career.  

There are hundreds of SAE’S some of the SAE’S can be used for multiple sections. The national FFA Website has a link for each of the different SAE types and I found a link for internships on the USDA website.